Coming Up On Koko Sleep... 📣🐨

Coming Up On Koko Sleep... 📣🐨

Hey Koko Sleepers, we'd like to let you know what's coming up in the next few weeks. It's exciting!

We've welcomed so many new listeners to the Koko Club lately, and we wanted to take a moment to thank you all and share what we have coming up on the show. ⭐️

Whether you're a free or premium listener, we've got plenty of exciting stories and meditations coming your way over the next few weeks. This week, our little friend Koko goes on a very metropolitan adventure to Sleepy City and sees a whole new world, and we’ve got a brand new sleepy meditation called Adrift On A Dream that’s sure to send you to the land of the snoozle woozles!For our Koko Club Premium listeners, we return to school with our little kitten friend Nutmeg, and also introduce you to a sweet little Piglet called Pipsqueak who finds the magic in going to bed early! We think you’ll love meeting Pipsqueak and her friend Wriggles, they’re truly the best of friends. 😴

And if you're a new Koko Club member, keep listening for your very special shoutout. We’ve received lots over the past few weeks, and our team have been working hard to make sure you all get a special mention. Yours may be next! 📣

If you’re not yet a member, you can join with two taps on both Apple podcasts or via this link for all other podcast players. There’s a 7-day free trial, and don't worry parents, you can cancel anytime. 🐨

Thanks for being a part of the Koala Moon family, and we can’t wait to hear what you think of the new episodes! Sweet dreams.